All of us consider our homes as a safe haven. Be it after a busy day at work or a hectic day at college – we look forward to going to our homes and unwinding. Furthermore, these days, many people love to host weekend retreats in their homes. To keep your home both comfortable and stylish, you need to follow these fabulous home décor trends.

Opt for Muted Colours

When it comes to painting the walls, muted colours started trending in the last quarter of 2016 and will be the ultimate home colour trend of 2018. In the past couple of years, bold colours, like red, purple, green, etc., were in fashion. Right now, it’s the beiges, ivories, tans, browns, and greys that’s trending. In fact, grey is the colour of the year. It goes well with furniture of any texture and tone. If you are a person who prefers boldness in home décor, paint three of your living room walls grey and one in bold red. This will add a lot of style and audaciousness to your room.

Uniquely Crafted Furniture

Space-saving furniture was a huge home décor trend in 2016. This year, uniquely crafted furniture is in fashion. This kind of furniture is both an investment as well as an eye-candy. While most antique furniture fall under the uniquely crafted category, you can also get contemporary furniture customised for your needs. Most people prefer to have their home décor as unique as possible. By opting for customised furniture, you can keep your décor exclusive as well as elegant.

Texture is The New Matte

Last year, it was all about matte. Matte was the only texture that people were going gaga about. However, this year, it’s all about different textures. From furniture to paints, from ceilings to walls, having a quirky texture will keep your house look so much in trend this year. Adding texture into interiors makes your home look more and more inviting. Also, the concept of adding textured fabrics to interiors is something that we will witness a lot this year.

At least a Single Terracotta Wall

Terracotta is not only trending as a jewellery fashion, but terracotta walls in homes are also a growing home decor trend. Warm materials like terracotta tiles are the current popular trend among homeowners. Be it terracotta tiles or a real terracotta wall – the earthly design will add more warmth to you home. What’s more, having a rustic wall, unique furniture, and some indoor plants are all the décor your living room needs to look chic.

Reading Nook is The New Study

One of the most trending home décor ideas is having a reading nook. If you live in a sea-facing home like Casagrand Marina Bay, then having a reading nook close to the balcony can be a fabulous home décor option. Not only will your balcony look pretty with the stack of books, but you will also have a lovely and comfortable place to sit and read, write, and be creative in all ways.

Quotes Art

Every vlogger on YouTube and every celebrity are following this trend – having quotes poster as wall décor. While this was a trend for past couple of years in the West, in India, Quotes Poster is something that is gradually becoming a trend. In your bedroom, hang wall frames or stick posters of inspirational quotes. It can be one big poster or many small posters.

We hope you liked our list of top home décor trends for 2018. What are some of the other trends that you think would be catchy and popular this year? Let us know in the comments section below.